Manus Foundation Statute
Uniform text adopted by the Council of the “MANUS” Foundation by resolution RFM no. 14/2015 on December 17, 2015.
General Provisions
- On the initiative of the Student Government of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Piotr Grobelny, Olga Ilnicka, Michał Ilnicki, Maciej Małuszek and Tadeusz Pastuszak, as well as the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, wishing to use the creative powers and abilities of the academic community to the greatest extent possible and to ensure the development of the material and intellectual existence of students and graduates, established the Foundation for the Student Government by a notarial deed drawn up on March 14, 1995 in Wrocław. Student Foundation of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology under the name of the “MANUS” Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation.
- The seat of the Foundation is the city of Wrocław.
- The area of activity of the Foundation is the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad.
- The period of operation of the Foundation is unlimited.
- The Foundation may cooperate with other foundations in the country and abroad.
- The minister responsible for the Foundation is the minister responsible for higher education.
Goals of the Foundation
- The goal of the Foundation is:
- Improving the social and living facilities used by students and doctoral students;
- Helping in finding employment, job placement for students and graduates;
- Inspiring, organizing and promoting student culture;
- Organizing the student, doctoral and employee scientific and cultural movement and developing scientific contacts of students, doctoral students and academic staff with other academic communities in the country and abroad;
- Supporting the tourist activity of the academic community, and in particular domestic and foreign student tourist traffic;
- Improving the health of students and doctoral students by expanding and developing the academic sports and medical base.
- Eliminating barriers in access to education for sick and disabled students, doctoral students, graduates and employees.
- Activities for improving the professional qualifications of students, doctoral students and graduates.
- Stimulating and creating entrepreneurial attitudes, in particular supporting academic entrepreneurship and assistance in establishing and running a business by the community of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
- Promotion of exact sciences encouraging new people to join the community of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
- Education of school and academic youth.
- Promoting physical culture, a healthy lifestyle, improving physical fitness and encouraging children and youth and the academic community to an active and healthy lifestyle.
- Developing a healthy lifestyle among children, school youth and the academic community.
- The Foundation pursues its goals through:
- Running student dormitories, student canteens and student clubs;
- Organizing festivals, artistic, sports, tourist events and artist promotions;
- Organizing seminars, competitions, conferences and other scientific events;
- Co-financing and supporting domestic and foreign student exchange, financing domestic and foreign internships;
- Co-financing the scientific activities of academic staff and students by financing research and scientific experiments;
- Promoting the scientific achievements of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the country and abroad;
- Collecting funds and materials for the implementation of statutory objectives;
- Cooperation with state and local government institutions and social organizations in the country and abroad operating within the scope of the foundation’s objectives;
- Financial assistance to the student government in the implementation of the Foundation’s objectives;
- Funding scholarships for outstanding students and academic staff;
- Mediation in obtaining accommodation for students, graduates and academic staff;
- Organizing internships and apprenticeships for students and graduates;
- Acquiring funds and other activities for continuing education;
- Day care for children up to 3 years of age of students and academic staff;
- Promoting forms of physical culture that introduce active leisure habits and the skills to organize it;
- Organizing and conducting sports competitions in school and academic environment;
- Promoting sports, recreation, tourism and a healthy lifestyle.
Foundation assets
- The Foundation assets consist of the Founding Fund in the amount of PLN 2,000 (two thousand zlotys), of which PLN 1,000 (one thousand zlotys) is allocated to business activities and funds and assets acquired during statutory activities.
- The Foundation’s income comes from:
- inheritances, bequests, donations, subsidies, grants and all kinds of other property gains made to the Foundation by domestic and foreign natural and legal persons;
- income from business activities;
- income from collections and fundraising events organized by the Foundation;
- bank interest;
- other income;
- The management of funds from the sources specified in §3, section 2, point 1 should take into account the wishes of the donors as to the amounts of money or resources transferred to the Foundation; in such cases, separate funds may be created in the Foundation’s assets.
Economic activity
- The Foundation conducts economic activity, and the principles of this activity and its scope are specified in the appendix to this Statute.
- The activity referred to in §4 section 1 may be conducted through a separate organizational unit of the Foundation (e.g. a plant), or directly by the Foundation itself.
Foundation bodies
The Foundation’s bodies are:
- Foundation Council.
- Foundation Management Board.
Foundation Council foundation
- The Foundation Council is its supreme decision-making body and performs supervisory and control functions.
- The Foundation Council is composed of:
- four representatives of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology appointed by the Rector;
- three student representatives appointed by the Board of the Students’ Parliament of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology;
- The Foundation Council elects a chairman and two vice-chairmen from among its members, including at least one student.
- The Rector – in the case of representatives of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and the Board of the Students’ Parliament of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology – in the case of student representatives – decides on the loss or deprivation of the mandate of a member of the Foundation Council.
- The Foundation Council is appointed for a term corresponding to the term of office of the Rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Upon the expiry of the Council’s term of office, all of its members lose their mandate;
- The Foundation Council operates based on its own regulations and meeting schedule. Meetings of the Foundation Council are held at least twice a year;
- Only a student of Wrocław University of Science and Technology may be a representative of the Board of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Students’ Parliament. Graduation, removal from the student list and other events resulting in the loss of the student status result in the loss of the mandate on the Council;
- The meeting of members of the Foundation Council is competent to pass resolutions if at least 4 members of the Foundation Council participate in the meeting.
- Meetings of the Foundation Council are convened by its chairman or one of the vice-chairmen on their own initiative, or upon written request of:
- at least two members of the Council;
- the president of the Management Board or at least two members of the Management Board;
- The Foundation Council may appoint permanent or ad hoc expert committees performing advisory or control functions with the participation of experts in the issues for which the committee was appointed.
- The powers of the Foundation Council – in addition to the powers listed elsewhere in the Statute – include:
- election of the president of the Management Board, who proposes the remaining members of the Management Board, and the Foundation Council approves them;
- dismissing a member of the Management Board or the entire Management Board after conducting explanatory proceedings;
- supervising all areas of the work of the Management Board and its subordinate organizational units;
- verifying the compliance of the actions taken by the Management Board and its subordinate organizational units with the law and this Statute;
- approving the material and financial plans of the Foundation’s activities prepared by the Management Board;
- accepting reports on the work of the Management Board and approving the annual financial balance sheet; granting discharge to the Management Board on this basis;
- controlling the assets and economic results of the Foundation and its separate economic units;
- expressing consent to join or leave the company;
- performing an annual assessment of the Foundation’s overall activities;
- approving internal regulations;
- setting the remuneration of the Foundation’s Management Board;
- fulfilling other duties resulting from the Statute and the regulations referred to in §6 section 9 item 10);
- Decisions and resolutions of the Foundation Council are passed by an absolute majority of votes.
- Personnel decisions, in particular the appointment of the Foundation Management Board and changes to the composition of the Foundation Management Board before the end of the term, are passed by a 4/7 majority of the statutory composition of the Council.
- Members of the Foundation Council perform their duties honorarily. However, they are entitled to reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
Foundation Board
- The Foundation Board is the executive body, managing all current activities and the Foundation’s assets.
- The Foundation Board consists of at least 3 and at most 5 members:
- The President elected by the Foundation Council;
- Members elected by the Foundation Council from among candidates presented to the Council by the President;
- The Board is constituted at the first meeting of each term.
- The term of office of the Board lasts three years from the date of its constitution. After this period, the Board continues to operate until a new Board is elected by the Foundation Council.
- The Board elects two Vice-Presidents from among themselves.
- The scope of the Foundation Board’s activities includes:
- managing the Foundation’s activities;
- representing the Foundation externally before state bodies, local government authorities, public services, as well as natural and legal persons in the country or abroad;
- establishing and closing down establishments or other organizational units of the Foundation and supervising their activities;
- establishing the principles of remuneration for Foundation employees except for the Foundation Board;
- drafting regulations for entities conducting business activities;
- drafting plans for the Foundation’s activities;
- preparing reports on the Foundation’s activities and its financial status for the current year and for the entire term of office;
- handling other matters not reserved for the competence of the Foundation Council;
- Declarations of intent on behalf of the Management Board are made by at least two of its members, including the President or Deputy.
- The Management Board may grant power of attorney to other persons to perform legal acts of a specified type.
- In the event of resignation or dismissal of a member of the Management Board, the vacancy is filled in the manner provided for in §6, section 9, points 1,2, with the term of office of the newly appointed member of the Management Board lasting until the end of the term of office of the entire Management Board.
- Decisions and resolutions of the Foundation’s Management Board are passed by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least three members of the Management Board. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the President of the Management Board of the Foundation shall be decisive.
Donor rights
- Each donor to the Foundation shall be entered into the Book of Benefactors of the Foundation.
- The Council awards the Foundation Medal together with an honorary diploma to persons and institutions who have made particular contributions to the Foundation.
- The design of the medal shall be determined by the Foundation Council.
Amendment of the statute
- The Foundation Statute may be amended by a resolution of the Foundation Council adopted in an open vote in accordance with § 6 sec. 6 by a majority of 4/7 of the statutory composition of the Council.
- The Council or the Management Board of the Foundation may take the initiative to amend the Statute in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Act on Foundations of 6 April 1984 (consolidated text Journal of Laws No. 46 of 1991, item 203).
Liquidation of the Foundation
- The Foundation shall be liquidated in the cases provided for in the Act on Foundations of 6 April 1984 (consolidated text Journal of Laws No. 46 of 1991, item 203).
- The decision on liquidation shall be made by the Council of the Foundation at its own request or at the request of the Management Board of the Foundation.
- The Council shall pass a resolution on the liquidation of the Foundation in accordance with § 6 sec. 6 by a 4/7 majority of the statutory composition of the Council.
- The liquidators of the Foundation are members of the last Management Board, unless the Council has appointed other persons for this task in the resolution on liquidation. The remuneration of the liquidators is determined by the Foundation Council and it is charged to the assets of the Foundation.
- The liquidators undertake the activities necessary to terminate the Foundation’s activities, and in particular close its current affairs, collect receivables and fulfill obligations.
- Within the scope of the activities specified in §10 section 5, the liquidators have the right to represent the Foundation. Limitations on this scope of liquidators’ activities have no legal effect on third parties.
- All assets of the Foundation remaining after its liquidation and closing of settlements shall be transferred to the Wrocław University of Science and Technology for student purposes.
Final provisions
Each founder, if he or she expresses such a will, may participate in meetings of the Foundation Council with an advisory vote in person or through an authorized person.